See the Customize page for info on using the Banners and Intros

Space Warp Banner-20kb
Customize #20101
This is set at the 468 X 60 Industry Standard banner size.

Digit Banner-24kb
Customize #20102
I'll do sets in all of the main generally recognized sizes.
468 x 60 Banner
728 x 90 Leaderboard
250 x 250 Square
200 x 200 Small Square
336 x 280 Large Rectangle
300 x 250 Inline Rectangle
120 x 600 Skyscraper
160 x 600 Wide Skyscraper

Shark Banner-93kb
Customize #20103
Although you can always change their size via html commands like this Leader Board 728 x 90.

Pollen Banner-40kb
Customize #20104
Also some will adhere to the Google rules of three repeats then stop, but some won't. I can't be creatively stifled by the establishments rules man.